Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cellphones Banned At Bondurant

Can you use your cellphone at school?

A central Iowa high school has cracked down on students' excessive use of cellphones and other hand-held devices by banning them during the entire school day.
Officials at Bondurant-Farrar High School say students can carry their cellphones in their pockets or purses, but they can't use them or even look at them. That includes between classes and during the lunch hour.
Officials say the ban was in response to students' excessive use of the electronic devices. They also wanted to control cyberbullying on social media.
Students face different levels of punishment if they disobey the rules. Some students have had their cellphones taken away for a short period. At least two students have received a tougher three-day school suspension.
Critical thinking challenge: 
a. What does the school gain by cracking down on cellphone use?
b. What do you think about this situation?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Guns...enough already!

1. Read the article here---

2. Post a your thoughts on the following questions:
     a. Should ownership of guns be more controlled? Why?

     b. Is our constitutional right to 'bear arms' worth the unnecessary deaths that have occurred recently, i.e Aurora, Colorado movie theater, Sandy Hook Elementary, the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C., and this story about the 3 year old in Chicago?

     c. Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in schools? Why would this work or not work?

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1 - Rubes?

Part #1
1. Choose two of the following links to review.
2. Copy the URL into a comment box and share your thoughts on the web page. What do you like or dislike about them? How will these changes or products affect you personally?
3. You may do both comments in the same "Comment Box"

New Google Tool: https://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/nose/

YouTube Closing Down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=H542nLTTbu0

Twitter Changes: http://blog.twitter.com/2013/03/annncng-twttr.html

New Consumer Product: http://scopemouthwash.com/bacon/?utm_source=scopebacon&utm_medium=bacon&utm_campaign=bacon%2Bmouthwash

Part #2
On your own personal blog page - 
1. Research, using the internet, three April Fool's Jokes or Hoaxes that have occurred.
   a. include the web site you got your information from
   b. include the name of the joke or hoax and a description, including the perpetrator. Also include any public reaction or comments made by those who fell prey.