Friday, September 20, 2013

Guns...enough already!

1. Read the article here---

2. Post a your thoughts on the following questions:
     a. Should ownership of guns be more controlled? Why?

     b. Is our constitutional right to 'bear arms' worth the unnecessary deaths that have occurred recently, i.e Aurora, Colorado movie theater, Sandy Hook Elementary, the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C., and this story about the 3 year old in Chicago?

     c. Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in schools? Why would this work or not work?


  1. period 5 nate f I think that even if we ban guns its not gonna stop crimes its gonna encourage them even more bc the people who comet crimes normally do it for the rush they get and if they do it they dont care if theyget in trouble anyways bc they had already ran that through there head of gettin trouble. I feel that its gonna cause more trouble bc its gonna piss more people off and make them comet crimes too. then we will have more problems

  2. all your doing buy taking away guns is taking them from good law abiding citizens and putting them in the hands of criminals

  3. p6 AllieC
    A)Ownership of guns shouldn't be more controlled because it's in the constitution that we have the right to bear arms. I just think there should be certain places guns are allowed and aren't allowed and around children in a place like a park they should be forbidden.
    B)I know the deaths are a big deal but we need to find a different way to deal with it besides just taking the guns away altogether.
    C) No because there are more cons then pros. They should have access to a gun somehow in the school but not one in every classroom or kids could get ahold of it with a lot of negative effects to that.

  4. I believe that we should have stricter laws that includes, people with middle class incomes should be allowed to own a gun. Also they if they have a criminal record they shouldnt be allowed to own a gun . Though this should not bring them to take the right to bear arms away from the whole public

  5. KaitlynS P5
    i think that they should not let people have guns in chicago. if they have a criminal back round because people in gangs are using guns to get back at people and they should not let people be at the park past a time.

    1. What if someone comes in from out of town and has a gun? Also, how about teachers with guns?

  6. I think that ownership in guns right now is a good start but I think that now with all this happening that people need to have a background check. I think that gun are good used for hunting and things like that but when we have people automatic rifles it going to far. I don't think that teachers should have them because in the future I think it would cause many more problems if a teacher, student or intruder get out of hand.

  7. It blows my mind the number of crazy people there are in this world. I think that the ownership of guns be more controlled, because if we fail to control people with their wepons, the number of murders will go up gradually.

  8. teachers should be allowed to have guns because it could happen agin like what happened at sandy hook. Because if the teachers don't have guns they don't have self defense

  9. p5 KateC
    a). Yes, I think in big cities like Chicago where the crime rate is up I think the gun control should be more stricter because obviously what's going on now isn't helping.
    b) No, because it's not like the constitution is saying hey go out and kill people, it has a whole different meaning which I wish people would see and understand easier.
    c) No, teachers should not be allowed to carry guns in school because there are so many things wrong with that such as students not feeling safe and a kid could break into where the gun is and start a shooting that way.

  10. LoganS P5
    a.Yes, Because some people look at them as toys or threats, While some use them for safety.
    b.I think some people deserve the rights because they are more responsable and don't really feel the urge to use them in less they are in dire need.
    c. No they should not, some students will be able to get a hold of them and harm him/ her or other students/ teachers.

  11. klp5

    I believe ownership of guns needs to be more controlled because there has been a lot of shootings lately and none of these would have happened if there was more control over guns.
    Our constitutional right to bear arms is not what the law was set up to do. It was not supposed to mean that you can go out and get a gun and then go kill someone on the streets for no reason.
    I don't think teachers should be able to have guns in school because it could be teachers going into school and starting to shoot everyone. I don't think that would be safe of smart.

  12. A.) Yes, because so many children and adult are getting killed or injured.
    B.) It has, so many people are dying for no reason. All people are doing is just saying that they have a mental problem, so thats why they took away so many lives. But I absolutely disagree. I really don't think that that is a good enough excuse for what they did. So therefore I think they should stricken the law on guns.
    C.)I think teachers should be able to have guns at school, but only to leave them at school. I think having a gun at school will drive away people from schools an make it so that we aren't a huge target anymore for gunman.

  13. p5 BarcusK people owning guns shouldn't be taken away. we have a right to bear arms. I think it should be restricted in some ways like, restricting where the guns can be used or carried. I also think full auto guns and assault rifles should be banned so shootings like this cant happen any more. I still think it is our right to bear arms we just need restrictions. I think giving teachers guns would be a bad idea because if teachers have guns then kids might get ahold of them and maybe do bad things.

  14. hdp5

    a. Ownership of guns should be more controlled. But they shouldn't be illegal. If the shootings were gang related, then the gangs should be stopped and punished also instead of just taking away guns. The gang is also the problem and not just the gun.

    b. I think that people who will be responsible with guns have the right to bear arms. But if someone only gets a gun to go shoot someone with them they shouldn't get the right to have it because they are only causing more trouble.

    c. I think teachers shouldn't be able to have guns in school because a student could steal the gun and cause problems. The teacher could have one for defense but it might cause more bad things then good.

  15. P5,TylerH, I think banning guns won't do much at all. It'll disarm citizens, not criminals; we've placed so many laws on guns already, what's one more going to do? Criminals want guns, they're going to get their guns, one way or another. There isn't much we can do about that, except do what is needed of us and report suspicious behavior and be educated on what to do if someone does have a gun. Ownership of guns.. Some people will disagree, but I think guns should not be permitted to those who have recorded physiology problems, for fear that they may turn the guns against others. And teachers should not carry guns in school, in case a student finds a way to get to the gun and has the intention to hurt another student.

  16. There may be strict gun control in Chicago, but that it is not going to stop criminals from shooting innocent people. Whether or not people are allowed to have guns is not going to make a difference as to whether or not people get killed or shot. I think we need to recognize the important second amendment to our constitution. Guns provide safety for the people and as long as people can use them for appropriate uses, then we wouldn't have the unnecessary mass shootings and killings. Teachers should be allowed to carry guns in schools. As long as they were certified with a license to carry, then the only thing it would do is protect the students. The teachers would be able to defend the students in the situation of a school shooting.

  17. P5 ChloeS

    A. I think that ownership of guns should be more controlled because so many innocent people are getting hurt. and there are people out there that have guns and they shouldn't.

    B. I have mixed emotions about that. Because there are people who have guns and the do respect that right and those people use their guns for the right reasons. But there are also people who aren't not respecting that right and they are hurting and killing innocent people. So I dont have a definite answer.

    C. I dont think teachers should be allowed to have guns because you never know when someone might go crzy but I do think that if there are police officers in the school that they should be allowed to have guns.

  18. period 5 Wade s
    No If we try to control guns it wont help because people can get them illegally
    No because what if they go crazy


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